Saturday, December 29, 2007

And that's when I realized it's not actually just across a pond..

I am leaving the U.S. in 2 days, 18 hours, and 44 minutes.

And I am now realizing that that is very, very soon.

Tomorrow I get to shove a bunch of things into space bags and then vacuum them up. That should suck. ... Get it? Chuckle out loud.

John (my brother) got a couple of notes (I think that is what they call bills, right?) for me at the bank. $150 turns out to be about £70. I am going to be very, very poor when I come home in April.


Am I Ready?

Spitalfield says...
"When you fall asleep tonight
And you ask the question:
Am I ready?
Yes, you're ready"
(Spitalfield - Am I Ready?)

Okay then...

Today's Links
None Today.. Go outside and take a walk.
Now playing: The Moldy Peaches - Nothing Came Out

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